
PROMELA = Protocol/Process Meta Language SPIN = Simple Promela Interpreter


Promela programs consist of precesses, message channels, and variables.

  • Promela processes execute concurrently.
  • Non-deterministic scheduling of the precesses.
  • Processes are interleaved.
  • All statements atomic.
  • Each process may have several different possible actions enable at each point of execution.

Executing a Promela system

A system state of a Promela system comprises the value of the global variables, the contents of the channel buffers and for each process instance,the values of its location counter, its local variables and local channel buffers.

Initially, all global (non-initialized) variables contain the value 0 and the channel buffers are empty.

The existing process instances are the ones created through the active modifier on the proctype declarations together with the init and never processes, if present.

The location counters of these instances are at their first statements.

A system state of a Promela system uniquely identifies the enabled statements in every (active) process instance.

So, process instances execute asynchronously.

In case the selected statement was an un-buffered send (receive), a corresponding receive (send) statement was executed simultaneously.

If the system does have a never claim, an execution step is a combined.

A never claim blocks execution of the system. in those situations in which the never claim has no enabled statements (in the current state).


In Promela there is no difference between conditions and statements, even isolated boolean conditions can be used as statements.

The execution of every statement is conditional on its executability.

    while (a!=b)

equals (a==b)

Promela Model

consist of:

  • type declarations
  • channel declarations
  • variable declarations
  • process declarations
  • [init process]


A process type (proctype) consist of

  • a name
  • a list of formal parameters
  • local variable declarations
  • body

communicate with other processes

  • using global variables
  • using channels

Processes are created using the run statement (which returns the process id ).

Processes can be created at any point in the execution (within any precess).

Processes start executing after the run statement.

    int pid2 = run Foo(2);
    run Foo(27);

Processes can also be created by adding active in front of the proctype declaration.

active[3] proctype Bar(){

Variables and Types

Five different (integer)

  • bit [0..1]
  • bool [0..1]
  • byte [0.255]
  • short [-2^16-1..2^16-2]
  • int [-2^32-1..2^32-1]


Type conflicts are detected at runtime.

Default initial value of basic variables (local and global) is 0.


The body of a process consists of a sequence of statements. A statement is either

  • executable: the statement can be executed immediately.
  • blocked: the statement cannot be executed.

An assignment is always executable.

An expression is also a statement; it is evaluates to non-zero.

The skip statement is always executable.

A run statement is only executable if a new process can be created.

A printf statement is always executable.

assert assert(<expr>)

Mutual Exclusion


:: choice1 -> s1.1; s1.2;
:: choice2 -> s2.1; s2.2;
:: ...
:: choice n -> sn.2; sn.2;


:: choice1 -> state1.1;





  • message passing
  • rendezvous synchronization (handshake)

chan <name> = [<dim>] of {<t1>,<t2>,...<tn>};
dum: number of elements in the channel

Sending - putting a message into a channel

ch ! <expr1>, <expr2>, ... <expr n>;

Receiving - getting a message out of a channel
ch ? <var1> ...
ch > <const1> ...

Alternating Bit Protocol

  • To every message, the sender adds a bit.
  • The receiver acknowledges each message by sending the received bit back.
  • To receiver only excepts messages with a bit that is excepted to receive.
  • If the sender is sure that the receiver has correctly received the previous message, it sends a new message and it alternates the accompanying bit.


atomic {stat1; ...}


  • more efficient version of atomic: no intermediate states are generated and stored.


  • timeout models a global timeout.
  • timeout provides an escape from deadlock states
  • beware of statements that are always executable


go label


[] P where P is a state property