

  1. KEYS pattern (glob wildcard)

    1. ? any char
    2. * any chars
    3. [a-z] scope
    4. \x x
  2. EXISTS key if exists return 1 else return 0 (integer)

  3. DEL key [key …] return the count of the keys deleted

  4. TYPE key get the type of the key

    • return string,hash,list,set,zset


  1. max 512MB
  2. SET key
  3. GET key
  4. INCR key increase integer
  5. DECR key decrease integer
  6. INCRBY key increment
  7. INCRBYFLOAT increase float
  8. APPEND key value append at the end
  9. STRLEN keyxxx return the length of the key if key not exists return 0 (UTF-8 one Chinese char is 3)
  10. MGET key [key ...] get many keys at the same time
  11. MSET key value [key value ...]
  12. GETBIT key offset
    SETBIT key offset value
    BITCOUNT key [start] [end] get the num of binary bit 1 start and end refer byte BITOP operation destkey key [key ...] bit operation result is destkey
    BITOPS key 0/1 [start] [end] get the first position of 0/1


  1. HSET key field value
  2. HGET key field
  3. HMSET key field value [field value ...]
  4. HMGET key field [field ...]
  5. HGETALL key
  6. HEXISTS key field
  7. HSETNX key field value if key exists do nothing
  8. HINCRBY key field increment
  9. HDEL key field [field ..] return the num of deleted fielded
  10. HKEYS key get all field names without values
  11. HVALS key get all field values without names
  12. HLEN key get the num of fields


  1. LPUSH key value [value ...] push on left
  2. RPUSH key value [value ...] push on right
  3. LPOP key
  4. RPOP key
  5. LLEN key get length
  6. LRANGE key start stop get a range from start to stop (support negative number)
  7. LREM key count value delete count members values value if count > 0 begin on left, < 0 begin on right, = 0 delete all
  8. LINDEX key index get the value specified by index
  9. LSET key index value set value
  10. LTRIM key start end only save the specified members
  11. LINSERT key BEFORE|AFTER pivot value return the length of the list
  12. RPOPLPUSH source destination rpop from source to lpush destination
  13. BRPOP block


  1. MAX 2^32-1 hash table
  2. SADD key member [member ...]
  3. SREM key member [member ...] remove
  4. SMEMBERS key get all members
  5. SISMEMBER key member judge if exist
  6. SDIFF key [key ,,] difference operation
  7. SINTER key [key ,,] intersection operation
  8. SUNION key [key ,,] union operation
  9. SCARD key get the num of members of the set
  10. SDIFFSTORE destination key [key ...] storage the result
  11. SINTERSTORE destination key [key ...]
  12. SUNIONSTORE destination key [key ...]
  13. SRANDMEMBER key [count] get count members randomly if count is negative return repeatable members
  14. SPOP key pop randomly


  1. ZADD key score member [score member ...]
  2. ZSCORE key member get the score of the member
  3. ZRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES] get scores from small to large
  4. ZREVRANGE key start stop [WITHSCORES] from large to small
  5. ZRANGEBYSCORE key min max [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count] if wants the result without point add ( before min max
  6. ZREVRANGEBYSCORE key min max [WITHSCORE] [LIMIT offset count]
  7. ZINCRBY key increment member
  8. ZCARD key get the num of zset
  9. ZCOUNT key min max
  10. ZREM ket member [member ...]
  11. ZREMRANGEBYRANK ket start stop from small to large
  12. ZREMRANGEBYSCORE key min max
  13. ZRANK key member get rank
  14. ZREVRANK key member



  1. MULTI the start of a transaction

  2. EXEC the end of a transaction

  3. handle error

    • grammar error: all commands won’t be executed
    • run error: other commands will be executed

    redis doesn’t support rollback

  4. WATCH can watch one or more keys, if one of them was changed, the transaction won’t be executed
    UNWATCH cancel watch


  1. EXPIRE key seconds if success return 1, else return 0
  2. TTL key get the time left of the key if the key doesn’t have a expiration return -1, else if the key doesn’t exist return -2
  3. PERSIST key cancel the expiration SET and GETSET will also clear expiration
  4. PEXPORE key milliseconds
  5. EXPIREAT key unixtime
    PEXPOREAT key unixtime


  1. SORT key [LIMIT start end] [BY prefix:* (-> field)] [GET prefix:* (->field)] [STORE key]
  2. a SORT can have many GET parameters
  3. GET # return the main key


  1. LPOP key [key ...] [timeout] priority
  2. PUBLISH channel msg
  3. SUBSCRIBE channel after executing SUBSCRIBE will enter publish and subscribe mode
  4. UNSUBSCRIBE channel
  5. PSUBSCRIBE channle(glob)
  6. PUNSUBSCRIBE channel(glob)



  1. data type

    • nil
    • boolean
    • number
    • string
    • table
    • function
  2. variable

    • default is nil

    • global variable (cannot be used in redis)

      • a = 1 assign 1 to the variable
      • a = nil delete a variable
    • local variable

      • local c declare a variable

      • local d = 1 declare and assign a variable

      • local e,f declare many variables at the same time

      • save a function to a variable

           local say_hi = function ()
               print 'hi'
      • local variable’s scope begins from the declaration, ends with the layer

    • comment

      • one line --
      • multi-line --[[ comment ]]
    • assign

      • local a, b = 1, 2 a=1 b=2
      • local c, d = 1, 2, 3 c=1 d=2
      • local e, f = 1 e=1, f=nil
      • as executing multiple assignment Lua will calculate expression’s value
    • operator

      • + - * / % ^ number string will be changed to number
      • == ~= < > <= >= string cannot be transformed to number
      • not and or 0 is
      • .. connect two string
      • # get the size of string or table
    • if

          if expression then
          elseif expression then
    • cycle

          while expression do
          until expression
          for variable = initial, endvalue, step(default = 1) do
          for variable1, variable2, ..., vraiableN in literator do
    • table

      • a = {}
      • a['filed'] = 'value'
      • index is from 1
      • ipairs() like a literator
      • pairs() traverse the table not array
    • function

          function (list of parameters)
          local function name (list of patters)

      ... in () means many parameters

  3. standard library

    Redis support Base String Table Math Debug

    1. String lib
      • string.len(string) get the length of the string
      • string.lower(string) string.upper(string) convert the case
      • string.sub(string start [end default = -1]) get the substring
    2. Table lib
      • table.concat(table [sep] [i] [j]) toString
      • table.insert(table [pos default=length+1] value)
      • table.remove(table [pos default=length]) pop a element
    3. Math lib
      • abs sin cos tan ceil floor max min pow sqrt random random seed
    4. other libs
      • cjson.encode(table)
      • cjson.decode(string)
      • cmsgpack.pack(table)
      • cmsgpack.unpack(string)
  4. Redis with Lua

    redis return value Lua data type
    integer number
    string string
    multi-line string table
    status table(only a ok field)
    error table(only a err field)
    • EVAL script keyNum [key ...] [arg ...] through KEYS ARGV to get the parameters
  5. KEYS and ARGV

    • KEYS refers to key names
    • ARGV refers to not key names
  6. other commands about scripts

    1. SCRIPT LOAD script load script to cache
    2. SCRIPT EXISTS script [scripts...] judge if the script cached
    3. SCRIPT FLUSH clear scripts
    4. SCRIPT KILL kill script



  1. SAVE m n m is time, n is in the time changed key number
  2. SAVE
  3. BGSAVE save in background
  4. LASTSAVE get the lastest snapshot time
  5. FLUSHALL clear all data and if hte auto save is not null, will snapshot


appendonly yes



Design And Implementation

Simple Dynamic String

save string, use as buffer: AOF buffer, client input buffer

struct sdshdr{
    int len;
    int free;
    char buf[]
  1. O(1) get string length
  2. avoid buffer overflow
  3. reduce the number of memory reallocations required to modify the length of a string
  4. binary security
  5. compatible with part of C string function

one of list key’s implementation, publish and subscribe, slow search, monitor

typedef struct list{
    listNode *head;
    listNode *tail
    unsigned long len;
    void *(*dup) (vpid *ptr);   //copy
    void (*free) (void *ptr);
    int (*match) (void *ptr, void *key);


redis database, hash key

typedef struct dictht{
    dicEntry **table;
    unsigned long size;
    unsigned long sizemask;
    unsigned long used;